Spanish Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Spanish Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
All natural no
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Product Description
Indulge in the aromatic Spanish Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), where notes of olives, almonds, and bananas take center stage, with tomato plants and herbs playing the supporting roles. While it's mild-mannered upon introduction, there's an undeniable fruity encore, low-key bitterness, and a pungency that eagerly joins at the end. Now, that's freshness with flair!
- Roast your veggies and give them the Arbequina treatment.
- Dip crusty bread and watch flavors dance!
- Drizzle your salad and every forkful becomes a sassy sashay of flavors.
- Suddenly, your pasta's parading around like it's a carnival!
With Spanish Arbequina Olive Oil, every crust gets its groove on!
*Crush Date: May 2023. FFA- 0.14, PV- 4.7, OLEIC- 67.86, BIO-PHENOLS- 200, K232- 1.69, DAGS- 94.6
*Chemistry values are representative from time of crush.
All Saratoga Olive Oils are Kosher Certified.
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Spanish Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)