Spanish Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Spanish Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil

With every drizzle, feel the warmth of the Spanish sun and the essence of a harvest fresh from November 2023. The vibrant flavors of green banana, nettle, and black pepper play the starring role in this bottle.

*Health tip: Extra virgin olive oil is known to be high in polyphenols—naturally occurring chemical compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Order now and we estimate your delivery will arrive between Aug 01, 2024 and Aug 03, 2024.

Product Description


 This oil is not just robust, it's a bold statement in your kitchen, with an intensity that lingers. The earthy herbal undertones lay the foundation, while a playful mix of black pepper and green banana adds zest and character. It's a vibrant celebration that brings life to your dishes.

Whether you're whisking it into a dressing, marinating a choice cut for the grill, or simply drizzling over fresh bread, this Spanish Picual EVOO promises to be the standout performer on your culinary stage.

  • It’s a natural pairing with tomato dishes. Dress a Caprese salad or drizzle on top of homemade tomato soup.

  • Flavor your fresh salads, either on its own or whisked into a citrus vinaigrette with our Sicilian Lemon Balsamic.

  • Add an elegant finishing oil over grilled meats.

  • Drizzle over french fries or roasted potatoes.

  • A dipping oil with crusty bread. Add a dark balsamic, such as Neapolitan Herb, or serve it on its own with a sprinkle of Gourmet Sea Salt.

*Crush Date: November 2023. FFA- 0.15, PV- 2.5, OLEIC- 78.14, POLYPHENOL- 410, DAGS- 97.4

*Chemistry values are representative of the time of crush.

Spanish Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil nutritional information